Is gambling bad yahoo answers

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Gambling is bad for your health | Society | The Guardian

Is Gambling Bad? | Yahoo Answers Gambling is not bad, losing money is. Gambiling has constantly been associated with "lose" lifestyle and exessiveness. The biggest issue with gambling is addiction. Some people dont know when to stop and just gamble their house away. if you can maintain that level head and say after losing a few hundred bucks that you've had enough, then it is ... Is gambling bad? | Yahoo Answers Never seen any good come from it, seen plenty of breakups, poverty and debt because of it. UK Tv is awash with ads for gambling and also for loan companies. Good and bad things about gambling? | Yahoo Answers A good thing about gambling is that it is a source of entertainment for some like going to the movies..etc. Response to this would be something around gambling in moderation isn't harmful but can lead to more and more money willing to gamble and most likely lose.

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Yahoo Answer Business and Finance <20 1 is [[it]] wrong for a christian to eat at .... I got the flu very bad after the shot . ...... In gambling [[it]] is called a " marker " . Is Gambling a Sin? What Does the Bible Say About it? Feb 4, 2015 ... Many Christians wonder if gambling is a sin. Study the following Bible verses about gambling and see why God encourages us to stay away ... Online Casino Play Yahoo Answers What Slot Machine Is Best In ... All known cases could wear cotton tent Online casino play yahoo answers what ... Nevertheless as possible exception against bad job was Las vegas hilton space .... Frenzy the meet Best usa online casinos gambling free slots games coyote ...

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What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin? | Bible ... Also, the atmosphere in gambling establishments is not very godly. ... Now if gambling in general is bad, then small degrees of gambling could also be a bad  ... Online Sports Betting FAQ - Answers to Important Questions